Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lots O' Updates

I've waited a few days to write this post because I wanted to make sure I can get through it. Wednesday night Max did ok at gymnastics, but it's apparent that he is more hyper than the other kids. At least to me. After we got home and put the kids to bed, Tim came and said I could go ahead and medicate him. Not sure if it was my blog, my whining, or seeing him with the other kids, but thankfully he changed his mind. He did say I could say "I told you so" when it works, but he also said to expect one in return in 20 years when Max has some weird disease he got from taking the meds. Haha! Doubt that'll happen, but then again you never know.

Anyway, the reason I was so thankful he changed his mind was because of Thursday. I was only home from work for 20 minutes and about to go to bed when I got a call from school. Max had hit another child in the chest so hard she couldn't breath and then proceeded to bite her drawing blood. All because he didn't want her on the same toy he was on. I had to go get him. Needless to say it was no fun being awake more than 36 hours straight, but I survived. He was on the verge of being expelled, but fortunately his director really wants to work with him. She advocated for him big time, but also said getting him on meds was probably the only way they'd agree to let him stay. The soonest I could get in to see anyone is next Friday at his pediatrician. I also have an appointment May 9th with a psychiatrist who will take over his care. I would prefer that he be followed by someone who specializes in these meds and children.

Friday he was able to go back while I spent the day trying to get him in somewhere sooner and did ok. But let me tell you, I was scared to death to drop him off. I figured someone would say something about the previous day and he would explode again. Or anything could set him off really. It's like an impulse thing. Instead of getting the feeling, thinking about it and realizing it's wrong, he just acts and thinks about it afterwards where he ends up crying because he feels so bad. It breaks my heart. Both that he did it, and that he didn't mean to but couldn't stop himself in time. We discussed with him many times that if someone makes him angry he's supposed to go to Miss Connie's office to his safe place, and he'll tell you that if you ask him, but he just doesn't have time to think before he acts. Hopefully getting him on some meds will really help.

The next update is my dad. He seems to finally be getting better everyday. He's now eating solid foods and doing great with them. His white counts are heading downward which is great too. The last time I spoke to him they were planning on releasing him Monday. Not sure when they'll get back to MI but at least he'll be here soon.

Hmm, I guess next would be the earthquake. Yup, you read that right. In case you didn't hear about it in the news, there was an earthquake in southern Illinois. We felt it all the way up here in South Bend. Thanks to our kids being up at 5am we were laying in bed in a semi sleep when it happened. It was a very strange feeling to get woken up by your bed shaking and dresser handles rattling. My first thought was earthquake and sure enough it was on the news just a little while later. Kinda cool since it wasn't a big one that did much damage. I wouldn't want to live where they happened regularly though.

Next is Russ. He had his surgery this week and from what I hear it didn't go as well as planned. He is doing better now though, and we'll just kinda wait to see what comes of it. Hopefully they find it's nothing and he can get back to life!

Yesterday was gorgeous outside and Tim came home from work a little early so we let the boys stay up way too late. We played, sat on the big swing, let Alli take them for a walk. It was so beautiful. Alex was dressed enough that he could be cleaned up with a washcloth and was sent to bed only a little late. Max on the other hand desperately needed a bath so in the tub he went. He was more than 2 hours late for bed which I knew meant bad things for this morning. He was a grump and acted up big time at gymnastics. After a nap though, he's been doing ok.

I work the next 4 nights in a row so that'll be slightly stressful. Tim isn't off till Tuesday which means I'm on my own tomorrow with no sleep. Fortunately Alli has agreed to come babysit so I can get at least a few hours uninterrupted.

I guess that's about all I've got for now. Alex is out walking with Alli again and Max is upstairs watching a movie so I need to use this time to get me another nap. I'll keep updating as I have more info!


Debbie said...

Glad your enjoying the weather - it is beautiful out!

Thinking of you and your family during these rough times. You'll get through it ;) Hugs!

Dawn said...

Hugs Angie, sometimes things have to get a little tougher before they get better. Hopefully you'll be on the upswing soon.