Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Boredom post!

I really want to be scrapbooking right now, but I cannot focus so here I am. I have the news on in the background and decided I would come here to talk about it rather than calling Tim at work. He'd kick my butt.

Let me preface this by saying I still do not know who I am voting for come November. However, I'm finding the democratic race to be quite humorous. Hillary is soooo smug about her win in PA boasting about how she's still in the race. Did she read or hear about the stuff where tons of Republicans changed their party lines a short time before this election so they could vote in the democratic primaries. They are voting for her because they feel that their candidate is more likely to beat her in the end. She isn't going to get those same votes when the real election rolls around.

Does she know all this, and just has to play dumb so people think she's confident. Or does she just not get it?

I can honestly say I do not want to be voting for her come election day. I've had enough of that family..although I've had enough of the current president as well.

I usually don't talk politics because I can't back my beliefs up with facts, but this just really struck me as funny! I say GO OBAMA because then I feel like I'll actually have to do my research in a few months rather than making a decision based on default.

K, that's all I have for now. I should be back but we'll have to see. As I said, I'm not very focused today. I am going to see my parents this weekend though so I'll definitely have that to talk about in a few days!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I hear ya Angie - politics are humorous, I try to read up on it but then I lose interest mid-way through ;)

Enjoy your afternoon!