Thursday, February 21, 2008

No More Updates!!!

Every time I open my mouth I end up eating them. Shortly after I posted yesterday I got a call from school that Max was out of control. Usually they take him into the office when he's having a tantrum and he calms down. But yesterday was different. He was hitting at the director, hitting himself, throwing chairs, etc. I told her I would come in and talk to him since he refused to talk to me on the phone. About the time I was walking out the door she called back and said he was fine. He calmed right down and wanted to talk to me now. I know he doesn't want to be this way, and he's sorry afterwards, he just can't help it. Ugh!! How frustrating.

Anyway, I finally convinced Tim that he needs to be evaluated. With my strong family history of ADHD, its probably more likely than not that this is our issue. I want to do what we can to help Max succeed in life and if he can't control himself, even when he wants to, he isn't going to get very far. Sad considering how bright he is. I called Tim's boss's wife about it this morning. She is a wealth of knowledge because they are dealing with the same issues with her son who is now 6 or 7. She had some great input on what doctors to call, in what order, and fortunately she has the same insurance we do, so I know it will all be covered. The short time that I spoke with her on the phone gave me such hope because she said her son is a completely different child now. I'm hoping to make some appointments over the next few days. I just need to get Tim's schedule first. I'd hate for him to have to miss something important at work.

I have also decided, and he agreed, that we need to start doing date night. At least once a month we need to go out and focus on US so we don't lose each other in the constant battle with day to day life. Hopefully we can get started on that soon. It's just hard with me working so many nights a week. That leads me to wonder if I was wrong in switching to 8 hour shifts. I worked so much less when I was doing 12s, but I was also miserable. I guess it's a matter of figuring out which is the lesser of two evils and then hoping my boss will understand if I do change my mind again.

I guess that's all for now. I need to go get the kiddos soon and I'm still in PJs since I worked last night. Ooh, I need to get pictures, but I switched the boys rooms last night. I wanted Max's room next to ours because he sleeps sounder and our TV booms through the wall. Not sure how it went since they were gone before I got home, but before I left for work last night they both seemed to be doing great. Max LOVES having a bigger room and a bigger bed!! Now I just have to transfer clothes over.

I'm out....Later!

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