Monday, October 13, 2008

Skunk Crisis is over!!

Don't know if I mentioned, but when we first discovered the skunks, our neighbor, Dave, took a few shots at them. Two different skunks on two different occasions. It appears that the smaller of the two did get hit and crawled under our deck to die. We thought it was living under there and did several things to deter it from coming back when it left at night to feed, but I guess it wasn't ever leaving. Another thing we noticed was that sometimes it smelled really bad during the day, like a fresh spray, even though they are nocturnal. Now it all makes sense.

Tonight, Dave and Tim were discussing ways to get rid of it and while we were inside on our computers, Dave got under our deck with a flashlight and located it. He grabbed a rake and hauled it out, noticing that the ribcage area had been feasted on by some other animal. That would be the possum I saw going under the deck a few nights ago, I'm guessing. Anyway, he hauled it out and dropped it into a trash bag. Then out to the woods to bury it.

Tim and I just came in from trying to clean up the smell. First I dumped some vinegar but that didn't help much at all. Tim used ammonia and febreeze. A whole bunch of each. He sprayed the area down with the hose hoping to get the stink out from under the deck. I'm praying it works because I am OVER skunk smell. I've smelled enough in the last two weeks to last me the rest of my life!!

So, thank you Dave, for rescuing us from the awful smell!! Even if it was you that shot and killed it in the first place ;) At least we know its gone for good now. Hopefully the big guy is out in the woods dead somewhere too.

Have a great night! Tim and I are off to watch Heroes!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Ew ew ew!!! Glad it is gone!!!! How is the smell remover coming?