Saturday, November 1, 2008

Update on my medical drama

So, we had planned to schedule my surgery for the 13th, but the OR was booked full so we are going ahead on the 20th of November instead. My doctor said there isn't a need to worry so much about this type of cyst rupturing and that made me feel better. They are doing testing ahead of time to see if there is a likelyhood that it is malignant. Since I smoke that test could come back with a false positive, but it'll let us know ahead what we might be looking at. The doctor also said he'd probably be able to tell once I'm opened up if it looked cancerous or not and would do testing immediately to find out. Not that it would change the outcome much, but it would let us know to do further testing afterwards. Basically, he's pretty sure it's benign, but because of my family history we are covering all of the bases.

So, I'll be off from work for about 6 weeks starting on November 20th. Nice because I'll be home for the holidays, but stinky because it means I'm not going to be making much money. Short Term Disability doesn't pay well and I don't have much of it. In the end, I know I'll be happier being home with my family at the holidays though!! I should start feeling better after a week or two so maybe he'll let me go back to work early. We shall see.

There is my update. Not much excitement or anything.

Last night was a bust. Max started throwing a tantrum two houses out when we went Trick-or-Treating so we came home. He watched TV while Alex and I hung out with the neighbors who awesomely got a little buze into me! Haha! I needed it. It was an enjoyable couple of hours and Alex was pretty well behaved, especially considering the amount of candy he consumed.

Today we were supposed to take Max to a birthday party, but another meltdown this morning got that taken away from him. I talked to his friend's mom and she said would could come by tomorrow. I want to make sure she gets her gift and there is a goodie bag for Max.

He has been really out of control lately and I'm torn between wondering if he's being a normal almost 5 year old or if he needs more med adjustments. We just started Vyvanse a few weeks ago and I'm convinced this one is NOT working because he has definitely gotten worse since being on it. I seriously think we need to start counseling back up to see what's up with us and to know if Tim and I are handling things correctly. I guess only time will tell.

That's about all I have for now. Hope everyone that celebrates had a good Halloween!


Debbie said...

Nov 20th is Ry's birthday ;) Yikes, all the tests make me nervous but i'm glad they are checking everything.

I'm sure the next 20 days will seem to take forever - I hope your feeling well enough at Thanksgiving to eat! I know after my c/s I felt yucky because of the pain meds and couldn't eat much.

Big cyber hugs!

Angie said...

Thanks Debbie! Haha about not wanting to eat on Thanksgiving. I'm not big on the food for that holiday, so it won't kill me if I'm not hungry. I'm hoping to have this help me lose a few pounds.

manda said...

It will be such a great Holiday season for you.

Urology Surgery India said...

Great blog all the best