Friday, November 21, 2008

Surgery Update

I should have done this yesterday because I'm sure you were all waiting for it, but I was either too tired, or just not in the mood for typing.

My surgery went very well and my doctor is 99% sure that it is not cancerous. I was quite happy to hear there. They also found a small cyst on my left ovary that didn't seem to be there on my ultrasound so he removed that too, but was able to save the left ovary with no problems.

By noon I was up walking in the halls. By 3 my catheter was out and by 9pm last night I had my IV saline locked. Since my doctor was on call last night and I was a walking fool I saw him several times. He said I was acting more like I was 2 or 3 days post op instead of less than 24 hours. Good, that's how I wanted to be. I hate patients who take forever to heal because they don't do the things they are supposed to do. I started out right away taking oral pain pills instead of the heavy duty stuff in a PCA and that was the right way to go in my opinion.

I'll probably be able to go home today since there really isn't much reason to keep me. However, I guess he had somewhere to be because my doc bolted already this morning. I think he forgot about me. Hopefully he comes back, but it not, I'll just have someone page him to ask. All he really needs to know is how my lab work looks and he can hear that over the phone.

I have a gigantic bruise all across my incision and last night he tried to tell me I was overdoing it a little and probably popping out the stitches just under the skin. Then I realized I'm getting Lovenox (a blood thinner) to ward off blood clots. That causes some serious bruising issues so I'm guessing that the bruise is probably from that and them pulling so much on the skin during surgery. I'm hoping so anyway. He seems to think either way that the bruise will be there for a good long time. I'm going to take pictures so if you don't want to see, either don't check back here for awhile, or post me a comment!! If I get enough comments from people who would be grossed out, I may not post it here. I also have a picture of the cyst they removed. It was as big as a softball or better. I was going to post a picture of that too because it's not all that gross, but again, if you don't want to see it, leave a comment. Otherwise, protect your eyes! I'm morbid and love stuff like that!

So, I'm getting kinda tired. I've been up since 6 because of lab coming in to draw blood and I stayed up way too late last night so I'm thinking I'll probably take a little nap until Tim and my parents get here to visit. I promise to update again soon!!


manda said...

I'm glad your doing well. Try to take it easy. Don't hurt yourself. It must be awesome having a medical background to get through something like this.

Kelly said...

Glad to hear you are doing OK!!!

Debbie said...

You are superwoman! Glad you are doing so well :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so GLAD to hear that things went well! Give yourself some time to heal, crazy woman, might as well enjoy the break while you can. I'm glad to hear they saved your ovary! Hope your up and running soon!

Love ya,

Dawn said...

I'm glad everything went so well and that it's all over. Now on to recovery!