Monday, August 13, 2007

Talk about slacking

I have been horrible lately! The last time I posted I didn't want to go to work. It ended up being a really good day and I was glad I went. Alex has been teething lately and is just a bear to be around sometimes. I keep him pretty doped up with Motrin though, when he gets cranky, and that seems to help alot. So do Popsicles!

Tim has been here for the last few days and the boys have loved having him home! Yesterday we did breakfast with his mom and Russ, and then in the afternoon we went to his dad's. He and Karen hadn't seen Alex yet and it has been ages since they've seen Max. Mike and Katherine came as well with the girls so it was a nice family get together. Max and Splendid spent most of the day in the pool, and the rest of the day picking apples out of grandpa's trees and tossing them on the ground. Crazy kids, but they had fun! The adults did a bit of swimming, but mostly just sat around and chatted. It was really a great day.

Today we got up later than we had planned but still made it down to the Detroit Zoo by 11. We've been hitting as many zoos as possible lately and I have to say this one was not my favorite. The layout is all wrong and I think we ended up missing quite a few things because we never knew which way we had already gone and where we didn't go yet. However, they had the coolest polar bear exhibit! We saw one just walking around outside as we followed the path, but getting to the indoor part was what really made the whole day worth it. At first you enter a building and see seals swimming under water. They were cute, but not what we were there for. The pool was separated (underwater) by glass, though, and on the opposite side you could see another polar bear swimming as well. Around a small corner we entered an underwater tunnel and wouldn't you know the polar bear was right overhead. It was the neatest thing. He used the top of the tunnel to walk along when he was over it, and pushed off from the sides of the pool just like people do. Max was in complete awe! Later, after we had finished with all of the other animals, we went back and got to see the swimming polar bear in the outdoor exhibit. I got a bunch of great pictures that I'll post after I'm done typing.

The kids both crashed out on the way home, but they were so good the whole day so we knew they would. We headed back to Bay City in time to have burgers with grandma and grandpa. Max had to tell his stories about the animals he saw and loved showing off his new monkey book and stuffed tiger. He has this thing lately with blowing raspberries on people's stomach. I ended up being the victim and Tim took a hilarious video of Max making horrible noises on my tummy. All while Alex was attacking my head and sticking his fingers up my nose. No idea how to post video on here though and for some reason I can't get it to load onto dropshots. I'm still trying though so watch for it.

Oh, almost forgot. I was unloading the dishwasher this morning and Alex decided he was going to help. He climbed up and played in the water that had emptied from glasses and bowls. He was soaked! Before pulling him off I had to grab my camera!

Here are some pictures from the Zoo

And, that's about all I've got in me tonight. I'm sure I've missed a million things, but I'm too tired to keep typing. Tim is heading home tomorrow so we'll probably just stick around the house in the morning. I think he'll head out when I'm going to work at 2:30. I always hate it when he leaves, so hopefully being distracted by work will help!

Have a great night!

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