Monday, July 28, 2008

11 Days and counting

And I'm beginning to think this is never all going to work. There are so many little details that keep popping up. Then I don't write them down and forget what they are. I'm feeling quite overwhelmed the last few days, but I'm working, home alone with the kids, or taking them fun places (more about that in a minute) so I'm not getting anything done. I really need to make a list and get focused by my days off towards the end of this week. I leave a week from tomorrow for my mom's so it all needs to be done by then!!

So, yesterday we took the kids to Indiana Beach. Not really what it sounds like. It's more of an amusement park. Alex and I hung out in the shops, walked the boardwalk, and played in the water that splashes out of the log boat ride. He had a blast. Max and Tim got to ride on the rides all day long. Alex and I did join them for the haunted house tour. Let me tell you, that was hilarious!! Alex jumped a mile the first few times something jumped out at us or made scary noises, but once he settled he was soooo interested in whatever it was. He kept doing the surprised face which I love. By the end I think he was ready to go again. Max on the other hand cried like a baby (well, whined) that he was scared and wanted to hurry up and get out of there. By the time we got to the end he was begging to go in again. I don't get that kid. All in all it was a great day!! Very busy and a little expensive, but I can see us doing it again. The only problem was the kids both being too small for most of the water park so we skipped it. I think I would have really enjoyed that. Tim said he can't wait for next year to take Max to Cedar Point when he'll be big enough to ride everything.

We have errands to run and haircuts to get today so we are heading out shortly to go get the kids. I really should have slept longer, but Tim is used to me telling him not to let me sleep past one (when I'm off the next night) so he got me up a little early. No big deal, except it was my first of 3 in a row. I'm hoping to VEX (volunteer off) tomorrow, but we have so many people on vacation or calling off so I don't know if it'll happen. I just want a few days to get stuff done. I guess I can nap tonight before I go back in too. I got a great little nap last night!

I guess that's about all for right now. I'm slightly scatterbrained with all thats going on so sorry if I missed anything and you can be sure I'll be back!


Heather said...

I cannot believe the wedding has creeped up so quickly. I am sure you are stressing and worrying but everything will be perfect :)

BTW-I love your new background! I want it ;)

Debbie said...

It's so exciting! Breathe!!!!

Angie said...

LOL, I made some lists while I was at work last night and as long as I continue to use them, I think I'll be ok. I was just holding too much in my head.

Heather- let me know when you are ready!! I can do a new one anytime!!

Dawn said...

Angie - You will survive! I can't wait for next Friday!