Friday, May 16, 2008

Yup, I have it!

Pinkeye sucks!! My eyes hurt and they are sooooo red. I got told today it looks like I've been smoking pot. Um, no.

I also got a call from daycare while I was at the doctor saying Alex had a temp of 101.8 so I had to take him back to the pediatrician. His ear isn't infected, but it still looks nasty considering his antibiotics from earlier in the week should still be working. So, he's on a new antibiotic now and I pray this one works. I'm soooo over the sleepless nights. Last night I kinda assumed it was his teeth, but now I know otherwise.

On a brighter note, Max is doing great! No problems at school, although he has been complaining that his neck hurts. Not sure what that is about, but I have him using a different pillow (the one he used to use) to see if that will help. Keep your fingers crossed because if this is a med side effect I will cry. I thought we finally had the med issues fixed. He didn't nap today because of the "ache" but he's been sleeping great at night so I won't complain.

The weather was amazing today and Tim got to come home early. We spent all evening outside with the boys which is always a joy. Tim took them for a mini hay-ride in the wagon that pulls behind the lawn mower. It cracks me up how much they love it.

Oh, I can't believe I almost forgot to tell you this. I totally should have had Tim take pictures because no one is going to believe me. I made burgers on the grill for us tonight. All by myself!!! I started the grill, placed the burgers, flipped them, cheesed them, and even grilled the buns. I had to ask a million and one questions, but I was the only person to ever touch it. I was so proud of myself. I guess I can do it if I want to bad enough. Not saying I'll do it again anytime soon, but at least I know that I know how.

K, Tim is making me run upstairs for his chew so I have to go. I will hopefully check back in this weekend though! Night!


Debbie said...

LOL, Domestic goddess!!!!!

Kelly said...

Could Max's throat hurt? I've heard that a lot and the kids end up having strep.

Angie said...

Shush Debbie!!

Kelly- it's the back of the neck so I'm more leaning towards headache. I have discovered that neck in the front means sore throat though ;) It just took awhile!