Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Max is an AMAZING big brother

I meant to post this yesterday but got sidetracked by a nice day of lunch and shopping with Tim and no kids. We walked around 3 stores just because we could without having to deal with whining and begging. It was awesome!!

Anyway, back to my Max story. Everyday the teachers at daycare send home a sheet with what they ate for the day, when they napped, their favorite things, stuff like that. Monday Tim brought me Max's paper and told me not to cry. In addition to coughing all day and being more tired than normal she added a note on the back. Here is an exact quote from Max....

Everyone listen, lets all hope my baby brother feels better because he is in the hospital. He is sick and I love my baby brother

Of Course I cried. I swear he is the sweetest kid even when he seems like the devil child sometimes. He has also been asking for a sister on a regular basis lately. I told him he needs to ask daddy since daddy is the one saying no. About a week ago he said to Tim, "daddy, when can I have the baby sister that I want?" and was none to happy with the answer. Sunday night when he stayed with Alli they played house before he went to bed. She was the mommy, and he was the little boy. She asked him who else there was and he said he wanted to have a little brother and a little sister. Kid cracks me up. Hopefully someday with his help I can convince Tim because I really would like one more. Boy or girl. Makes no difference to me.

He has been sick all this week with coughing and a runny nose. I give him cough medicine at night, and it helps for awhile but I think he coughs all day long. I wish there was something I could do for him. Maybe I'll get the humidifier in his room tonight. I have to work so I want him to feel as good as possible so Tim won't have to deal with two kids that don't sleep. Speaking of not sleeping, Alex has been doing better lately so at least that's a good thing.

Today is Tim's birthday. We aren't doing anything special because we gave him his gifts while my parents were here, but Max really wants to do a cake. I have to run to the post office later so I might pick up a small one. Wouldn't want to disappoint Max and I think it would make Tim feel good that Max wanted to do that for him.

Anyway, I need to nap or I'm never going to make it through the next two nights! Talk to you again soon.


Debbie said...

What a sweetheart! Happy birthday Tim!! Go make a baby girl ;)

Dawn said...

Awe, such a sweetie pie! Just when you think he's about to sprout horns he does sweet things like this.

BTW, how on earth did you get 621 visitors to your site in one month? Aren't you popular?

Angie said...

LOL, I posted Alex's story on the Bargain Board to make people aware because they were still being talked about. I also posted the blog address so I didn't have to retype the whole story. Lots of interest. I love it!! I just wish people would leave comments like you two do. I love you and Debbie!