Saturday, January 17, 2009

Max on a Mission

So, tonight Tim made dinner and Alex had to help. He was using tongs to pick up pieces of chicken from the frying pan, helping stir, and just getting in the way. It was adorable to watch. Anyway, after dinner the rice pot was on the counter and he started pretending to add salt, stir, and taste. Tim grabbed the camera to take a few pictures and then I got a short video. Don't worry. I'll post them.

But first, I have to show you what I found on the camera when I went to upload those pictures. This was one of the first nights Alex was sick. Guess Max was bored when he woke up before everyone else.

(in the order found on the camera)

I swear I have never laughed so hard in my life. What an adorable kid! I love that he thought to take pictures of himself first and last. There were a few others that I deleted, but the quality was either really bad, or you couldn't see anything.

And, since I promised, here is Alex cooking.

He started out doing a lot better, but he was sorta over it by the time I started recording. Next time, I swear I'll get the camera right away.


BabiesandBargains said...

Your boys are so cute, smart and funny all in the same post!

Kelly said...

SO funny that Max got hold of the camera! They do make some pretty good kid digital cameras now! Alex is such a little chef!

Dawn said...

Oh my gosh!!! That is too funny!! I can't believe you also posted the pics of you sleeping. Not your finest hour. ;) Funny how you can see Tim's eyes peeking in the one pic, did he not want to stop him? Anyhoo, that is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time and I love Max's self-portraits. Alex cooking is also cute, but he sure is a sleeping beauty.

Suzi said...

That is so cute. The one of you guys sleeping is classic - I love how in the first one Tim looks at him out of the corner of his eye and then rolls over to cover his eyes. Such a cutie you have (Max)! Alex (aka Libby) is growing up so fast!

Debbie said...

LMAO!! I love those pics Max took!! I too had to laugh and say 'I think Angie was snoring' LOL and then yes, Tim looking and next having the arm over his eyes. So not dealing with it that early, lol, Max is adorable in his self portraits!

Love the video - that is some seasoning! LOL. And I love the "Oh No" LOL