Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I had an accident

And cut off the tip of one of my fingers! OOPS!! Anyway, its tough to type, but I didn't want to leave everyone hanging when I said I'd post more so I figured I can at least come post some recent pictures! We went to Chicago on Saturday with grandma and have also been playing out in the yard alot.

Hope you enjoy and I'll be back again when I can type with all of my fingers to give you more details!

Don't know why this is so blurry but here are the boys fighting over their new toy!

Alex being insane! He did this several times before I thought to get the camera. In the beginning he always landed in two feet without falling

Standing on the moon

Lots more Chicago pictures at dropshots but my finger is tired ;) Check them out!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ok, I'm back

I've slacked long enough. I'm sorry to those of you who still check in with me. I promise to try to do better, but don't hold your breath ;) Lots going on lately. The first week in June Max went camping at Gun Lake with my parents. He had a really nice time. Tim, Alex, and I went the next weekend to pick him up and we all had fun too. I have some great video of the boys on the tube behind the boat.

I've also been working a lot the last week or two, but before that I was volunteering to be off as much as possible. I know I should need the money, but I just hate going in at night. I wish ever day that a day position would open up somewhere.

Tim has been working a ton too. He'll get nice 3 or 4 day stretches off, but then he'll have to work for 11 days straight. He had to let his assistant go due to the economy and that really stinks for us.

Hmm, what else. I walked in a 5K with my neighbors and some of their family members. That was pretty fun. Definitely a day I enjoyed.

Here are some pictures and videos to tide you over until I can get the blog looking pretty and post more often.

Alex and Papa fishing.....or trying to ;)

Alex pushing Max on the swing. This did not end well, haha. Alex ended up on his butt because he doesn't know to move after he pushes.

Can you see the purple tinge to his skin? He was blue but didn't want to get out.

Come and try to get me

The three boys wrestling.

Max on the tube all by himself.

Daddy taking Alex for a spin

Chilling out sporting his "Life is Good" T-shirt.

And that's about all I've got for now. I have laundry to do today and seeing as Tim will be home in a few hours and the house is a mess, I should probably get to cleaning. I do promise to try to post more and I even have more video on my camera right now. I'll get it in here as soon as I can!